As a responsible member of the community, you strive to preserve and protect your Social License to operate. Eco Soil understands this and will partner with you, providing dust control products and application expertise for your mine tailing impoundments. Not infliunce copper concentration processing.
Water – a precious resource. Managing water resources is already one of the key environmental challenges facing the world today – this challenge will become more critical over the coming decades as we are forced to balance water priorities across potable requirements, industry, agriculture, and ecological demands. Along with our dust and erosion control products, Eco Soil range of direct water management technologies are focussed on improving and conserving this precious resource.
Along with safety, environmental sustainability is the core principle that Eco Soil products, services and strategic direction have been built around. Independently tested, verified and certified to strict standards* Eco SOils innovative range of soil stabilisation, sealing, erosion and dust control, and water management products have been developed by industry leading engineers and scientists.
The complexity in dust generation from stockpiles involves the interaction of coal specific properties such as particle size, stored coal bulk density, surface crust and moisture content as well as operational factors such stockpile size and height. Natural factors such as wind and rain contribute to the complexity as well including the ecosystem involving flora and fauna that is subject to the prolonged exposure of leachate and coal dust from coal stockpiles. The fight to eradicate coal mine workers pneumoconiosis (black lung) continues and the cooperation of coal mining companies and their due diligence to keeping within the allowable coal dust limits is non-negotiable. Compliance can be supported and maintained effectively through utilizing Eco Soil technology that have the ability to coat and bind airborne particles forcing them to drop out of suspension in the air. Protect coal oxidation process and save cost.
Minining dust solution
This number represents the equivalent number of gallons of water Eco Soil has saved with its products world-wide.