The company is active in 5 main areas of business.
1. Mining Dust control and soil stabilization
- Import and manufactoring dust control product in mine haul road, civil road, mine tailing bond dust control, industry processing plant dust solution in mining sector
- Advising mine dust control
- Dust control equpment installing
- Water manegement
- soil stabilization
- Coal storege tailing erosion control, oxidation protection, wind protection
- Remote on site technical services
- Dust measuring equipments
- Soil stabilization chemicals and product
- Liner and barriel material geotechnical engineering in mining waste landfill, metallurgy acid pool, waste water treatment plants, bond project, road base.
2. Equipment
- Import and sales of Marooka crawler currier machinery services and product support
- Import, sales and distribution of crop protection product
3. Heavy equipment/Earth moving equipment
- Import and sales spare parts HYDAC hydraulic filter, hydraulic acculator, valve, sensor, solenoid technology, electronic contoller, valve maniforld, measure display-analyse, thermal management system units- air cooler, fliud cooling, cooling system
- Services and product support import, sales and distribution of crop protection product
- Sales and product support of fire suppression products
- Sales and product support of offhighway truck suspension kit bolt, Expander pin, wheel nut washer
- Sales and product support of MAMMUT hydraulic Jack, impact wrench
- Sales and product support of automatic lubrication system and greasing
4. Industrial
- Sales and product support of power generators
- Sales and product support of mining heavy equipment hydraulic Jack, impact wrench
- Sales and service of industrial pump, hydaulic welding equipments
- Sales and product support of LIFE TIME WARRANTY special washer, bolting for screen, conveyor any bolt loosing equipments
- Sales and product support of heavy mine equpment special BOLT,
- Sales and supply of safety apparel and equipment
- Sales and supply of vareius kind of hydaulic and air jack for ligth vehicle and truck, acgoculture truck
- Sales and product support of mine equipment wear protection- backet teeth, cutting adge, chisels bit, hydraulic hummer, plate compactor undercarraige, rubber track, Stump grinder, wheel compactor
- Sales and product support of automatic lubrication system and greasing
- Sales and product support of fire suppression products
- Sales and product support and industrial supply and installing the belt monitoring system (belt tear and rip automatic laser protection equipment), production precessing wear product.
- Sales and product support of material handling equipments-conveyor belt, conveyor roller, conveyor parts, apron feeder, loading hopper, stacker-reclaimer,
- Sales and support for ground support and mining supplies ie rock bolts, mesh, ventilation and consumables
5. Chemical
- Production, formulation, supply and monitoring of chemicals for construction and mineral processing
- Mineral processing chemicals
- Solvent extraction chemicals
- Water treatment chemicals
- Solid Liquid Separation chemicals